Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



On the CD
This icon indicates that a related example or file is available on the companion CD-ROM. n

New Feature
This icon indicates a feature that is new to Excel 2010. n

How This Book Is Organized

Notice that the book is divided into six main parts, followed by four appendixes.

Part I: Getting Started with Excel: This part consists of nine chapters that provide background
about Excel. These chapters are considered required reading for Excel newcomers, but even expe-
rienced users will probably find some new information here.

Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions: The chapters in Part II cover everything that
you need to know to become proficient with performing calculations in Excel.

Part III: Creating Charts and Graphics: The chapters in Part III describe how to create effective
charts. In addition, you’ll find a chapter on the conditional formatting visualization features, and a
chapter on the new Sparkline graphics.

Part IV: Using Advanced Excel Features: This part consists of ten chapters that deal with topics
that are sometimes considered advanced. However, many beginning and intermediate users may
find this information useful as well.

Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel: Data analysis is the focus of the chapters in Part IV. Users of
all levels will find some of these chapters of interest.

Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA: Part VI is for those who want to customize Excel for their
own use or who are designing workbooks or add-ins that are to be used by others. It starts with an
introduction to recording macros and VBA programming and then provides coverage of
UserForms, add-ins, and events.

Appendixes: The book has four appendixes that cover Excel worksheet functions, the contents of
the book’s CD-ROM, other Excel resources, and Excel shortcut keys.

How to Use This Book

Although you’re certainly free to do so, I didn’t write this book with the intention that you would
read it cover to cover. Rather, it’s a reference book that you can consult when:

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