Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



l You’re stuck while trying to do something.
l You need to do something that you’ve never done.
l You have some time on your hands, and you’re interested in learning something new
about Excel.

The index is comprehensive, and each chapter typically focuses on a single broad topic. If you’re
just starting out with Excel, I recommend that you read the first few chapters to gain a basic under-
standing of the product and then do some experimenting on your own. After you become familiar
with Excel’s environment, you can refer to the chapters that interest you most. Some readers, how-
ever, may prefer to follow the chapters in order.

Don’t be discouraged if some of the material is over your head. Most users get by just fine by using
only a small subset of Excel’s total capabilities. In fact, the 80/20 rule applies here: 80 percent of
Excel users use only 20 percent of its features. However, using only 20 percent of Excel’s features
still gives you lots of power at your fingertips.

What’s on the Companion CD

This book contains many examples, and the workbooks for those examples are available on the
companion CD-ROM, arranged in directories that correspond to the chapters. Refer to Appendix B
for a complete list of the files.

In addition, the CD-ROM contains an electronic version of this book. It’s a searchable PDF file
that’s a perfect companion for your notebook computer when you take your next cross-country

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