Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions
To make the formula work with a horizontal range, you need to transpose the array of integers
generated by the ROW function. The TRANPOSE function is just the ticket. The modified array for-
mula that follows works only with a horizontal Data range:
Removing non-numeric characters from a string .....................................................
The following array formula extracts a number from a string that contains text. For example, con-
sider the string ABC145Z. The formula returns the numeric part, 145.
This formula works only with a single embedded number. For example, it fails with a string like
X45Z99 because the string contains two embedded numbers.
If you would like to better understand how some of these complex array formulas work, consider using
a handy tool: the Formula Evaluator. Select the cell that contains the formula and then choose
Formulas ➪ Formula Auditing ➪ Evaluate Formula. The Evaluate Formula dialog box shown in the fig-
ure here.
Click the Evaluate button repeatedly to see the intermediate results as the formula is being calculated.
It’s like watching a formula calculate in slow motion.
Using the Excel Formula Evaluator