Chapter 20: Visualizing Data Using Conditional Formatting
Specifying Conditional Formatting
To apply a conditional formatting rule to a cell or range, select the cells and then use one of the
commands from the Home ➪ Styles ➪ Conditional Formatting drop-down list to specify a rule.
The choices are
l (^) Highlight Cell Rules: Examples rules include highlighting cells that are greater than a
particular value, between two values, contain specific text string, a date, or are duplicated.
l (^) Top Bottom Rules: Examples include highlighting the top 10 items, the items in the bot-
tom 20 percent, and items that are above average.
l (^) Data Bars: Applies graphic bars directly in the cells, proportional to the cell’s value.
l Color Scales: Applies background color, proportional to the cell’s value.
l (^) Icon Sets: Displays icons directly in the cells. The icons depend on the cell’s value.
l New Rule: Enables you to specify other conditional formatting rules, including rules
based on a logical formula.
l Clear Rules: Deletes all the conditional formatting rules from the selected cells.
l (^) Manage Rules: Displays the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, in which
you create new conditional formatting rules, edit rules, or delete rules.
Formatting types you can apply
When you select a conditional formatting rule, Excel displays a dialog box specific to that rule.
These dialog boxes have one thing in a common: a drop-down list with common formatting
Figure 20.2 shows the dialog box that appears when you choose Home ➪ Styles ➪ Conditional
Formatting ➪ Highlight Cells Rules ➪ Between. This particular rule applies the formatting if the
value in the cell falls between two specified values. In this case, you enter the two values (or spec-
ify cell references), and then use choices from the drop-down list to set the type of formatting to
display if the condition is met.
One of several different conditional formatting dialog boxes.