Part III: Creating Charts and Graphics
FIGURE 20.15
Creating a conditional formatting rule based on a formula.
Generally, when entering a conditional formatting formula for a range of cells, you’ll use a refer-
ence to the active cell, which is typically the upper-left cell in the selected range. One exception is
when you need to refer to a specific cell. For example, suppose that you select range A1:B10, and
you want to apply formatting to all cells in the range that exceed the value in cell C1. Enter this
conditional formatting formula:
In this case, the reference to cell C1 is an absolute reference; it will not be adjusted for the cells in
the selected range. In other words, the conditional formatting formula for cell A2 looks like this:
The relative cell reference is adjusted, but the absolute cell reference is not.
Conditional formatting formula examples
Each of these examples uses a formula entered directly into the New Formatting Rule dialog box,
after selecting the Use a Formula to Determine Which Cells to Format rule type. You decide the
type of formatting that you apply conditionally.
Identifying weekend days
Excel provides a number of conditional formatting rules that deal with dates, but it doesn’t let you
identify dates that fall on a weekend. Use this formula to identify weekend dates:
This formula assumes that a range is selected and that cell A1 is the active cell.