Chapter 22: Enhancing Your Work with Pictures and Drawings
l (^) Insert Shapes: Insert new Shapes; change a Shape to a different Shape.
l Shape Styles: Change the overall style of a Shape; modify the Shape’s fill, outline, or
l WordArt Styles: Modify the appearance of the text within a Shape.
l (^) Arrange: Adjust the “stack order” of Shapes, align Shapes, group multiple Shapes, and
rotate Shapes.
l (^) Size: Change the size of a Shape.
Additional commands are available from the Shape’s shortcut menu (which you access by right-
clicking the Shape). In addition, you can use your mouse to perform some operations directly: for
example, resize or rotate a Shape.
An easy way to select an object is to use the Selection and Visibility task pane. Just select any Shape
and then choose Drawing Tools ➪ Format ➪ Arrange ➪ Selection Pane. Or, choose Home ➪ Editing ➪
Find & Select ➪ Selection Pane.
Like with all task panes, you can undock this pane from the side of the window and make it free-
floating. The accompanying figure shows the Selection and Visibility task pane as a floating window.
Each object on the active worksheet is listed in the Selection and Visibility pane. Just click the object’s
name to select it. To select multiple objects, press Ctrl while you click the names.
To hide an object, click the “eye” icon to the right of its name. Use the buttons at the bottom of the task
pane to quickly hide (or show) all items.
Selecting and Hiding Objects