Part IV: Using Advanced Excel Features
Displaying values in millions
The following format string displays values in millions with no decimal places. A value with this
number appears as if it’s divided by 1,000,000 and rounded to no decimal places.
A variation of this format string follows. A value with this number appears as if it’s divided by
1,000,000 and rounded to two decimal places.
Another variation follows. This adds the letter M to the end of the value.
The following format string is a bit more complex. It adds the letter M to the end of the value —
and also displays negative values in parentheses as well as displaying zeros.
Table 24.7 shows examples of these format strings.
TABLE 24.7
Examples of Displaying Values in Millions
Value Number Format Display
123456789 #,###,, 123
1.23457E+11 #,###,, 123,457
1000000 #,###,, 1
(^5000000) #,###,, 5
–5000000 #,###,, –5
(^0) #,###,, (blank)
123456789 #,###.00,, 123.46
1.23457E+11 #,###.00,, 123,457.00
1000000 #,###.00,, 1.00
5000000 #,###.00,, 5.00
–5000000 #,###.00,, –5.00
0 #,###.00,, .00
123456789 #,###,,”M” 123M
1.23457E+11 #,###,,”M” 123,457M
1000000 #,###,,”M” 1M