Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Chapter 33: Getting Data from External Database Files


  1. Click the Connect button to display another dialog box that asks for information
    specific to the driver that you selected in Step 2. In this example, you need to click
    the Select button and then locate the budget data.accdb file. Click OK to return to
    the previous dialog box and click OK again to return to the Create New Data Source dia-
    log box.

  2. Select the default data table that you want to use. For this example, the database file
    contains a single table named budget. If the database requires a password, you can also
    specify that the password be saved with the data source definition. Figure 33.5 shows the
    Create New Data Source dialog box at this point.

  3. After you supply all the information in the Create New Data Source dialog box,
    click OK. You’re returned to the Choose Data Source dialog box, which now displays the
    name of the data source that you created.


The Create New Data Source dialog box.

You have to go through these steps only once for each data source. The next time that you need to access this
data source, the Budget Database (and any other database sources that you’ve defined) appears in the Choose
Data Source dialog box. n

The preceding steps are general steps that work with all supported database types. In some situations, you may
prefer to open the database file directly and not create a named data source that will appear in the Choose
Data Source dialog box. For example, if you won’t be using the database again, you can open the file directly
and not have to bother creating a new named data source. If you’re using an Access file, you can select MS
Access Database from the Databases tab in the Choose Data Source dialog box. Then, you can specify the file,
and you’re taken directly to Microsoft Query. n

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