Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel


l (^) The Amount field is in the Values section (summarized by Count).
l A second instance of the Amount field is in the Values section (summarized by % of
This pivot table uses the OpenedBy field as a Report Filter and is showing the data only for Tellers.
I sorted the data so that the largest value is at the top, and I also used conditional formatting to
display data bars for the percentages.
See Chapter 20 for more information about conditional formatting. n
FIGURE 34.17
This pivot table uses a Report Filter to show only the Teller data.

Question 6

How does the Central branch compare with the other two branches?

Figure 34.18 shows a pivot table that sheds some light on this rather vague question. It simply
shows how the Central branch compares with the other two branches combined.

l The AcctType field is in the Row Labels section.

l (^) The Branch field is in the Column Labels section.
l The Amount field is in the Values section.
I grouped the North County and Westside branches together and named the group Other. The
pivot table shows the amount, by account type. I also created a pivot chart for good measure.
See Chapter 35 for more information about pivot charts.

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