Chapter 34: Introducing Pivot Tables
FIGURE 34.18
This pivot table (and pivot chart) compares the Central branch with the other two branches combined.
Question 7
In which branch do tellers open the most checking accounts for new customers?
Figure 34.19 shows a pivot table that answers this question. At the Central branch, tellers opened
23 checking accounts for new customers.
l The Customer field is in the Report Filters section.
l (^) The OpenedBy field is in the Report Filters section.
l The AcctType field is in the Report Filters section.
l (^) The Branch field is in the Row Labels section.
l The Amount field is in the Values section, summarized by Count.
This pivot table uses three Report Filters. The Customer field is filtered to show only New, the
OpenedBy field is filtered to show only Teller, and the AcctType field is filtered to show only