Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel
Here are the settings I used for this pivot table:
l The Sex field is used for the Column Labels.
l (^) The Location field is used for the Row Labels.
l Location is used for the Values and is summarized by Count.
l (^) The pivot table has the field headers turned off (by choosing PivotTable Tools ➪ Options
➪ Show ➪ Show Field headers).
This table doesn’t have any numeric fields, but you can use it to generate a pivot table, shown next to the
The Employee field is not used. This example uses the Location field for the Values section, but you can actu-
ally use any of the three fields because the pivot table is displaying a count. n
Figure 35.2 shows the pivot table after making some additional changes:
l (^) I added a second instance of the Location field to the Values section. To display percent-
ages, I right-clicked a value in that column, and chose Show Values As ➪ Percent of
Column Total.
l I changed the field names in the pivot table to Count and Pct.
l (^) I selected a Pivot Table Style that makes it easier to distinguish the columns.