Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel
- To set the first constraint (that the total production capacity is 300 units), enter B6
as the Cell Reference, choose equal (=) from the drop-down list of operators, and
enter 300 as the Constraint value. - Click Add, and enter the remaining constraints. Table 37.1 summarizes the con-
straints for this problem.
TABLE 37.1
Constraints Summary
Constraint Expressed As
Capacity is 300 units B6=300
At least 50 units of Product A B3>=50
At least 40 units of Product B B4>=40
No more than 40 units of Product C B5<=40
- After you enter the last constraint, click OK to return to the Solver Parameters dia-
log box, which now lists the four constraints. - For the Solving Method, use the default, GRG Nonlinear.
- Click the Solve button to start the solution process. You can watch the progress
onscreen, and Excel soon announces that it has found a solution. The Solver Results dia-
log box is shown in Figure 37.6.
Solver displays this dialog box when it finds a solution to the problem.