Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel


  1. To set the first constraint (that the total production capacity is 300 units), enter B6
    as the Cell Reference, choose equal (=) from the drop-down list of operators, and
    enter 300 as the Constraint value.

  2. Click Add, and enter the remaining constraints. Table 37.1 summarizes the con-
    straints for this problem.

TABLE 37.1

Constraints Summary

Constraint Expressed As

Capacity is 300 units B6=300
At least 50 units of Product A B3>=50
At least 40 units of Product B B4>=40
No more than 40 units of Product C B5<=40

  1. After you enter the last constraint, click OK to return to the Solver Parameters dia-
    log box, which now lists the four constraints.

  2. For the Solving Method, use the default, GRG Nonlinear.

  3. Click the Solve button to start the solution process. You can watch the progress
    onscreen, and Excel soon announces that it has found a solution. The Solver Results dia-
    log box is shown in Figure 37.6.

Solver displays this dialog box when it finds a solution to the problem.
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