Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA


On the CD
This workbook is available on the companion CD-ROM. The file is named mortgage loan.xlsm.


This worksheet uses UserForm controls.

Adding controls to a worksheet can be a bit confusing because Excel offers two different sets of
controls, both of which you access by choosing Developer ➪ Controls ➪ Insert.

l (^) Form controls: These controls are unique to Excel.
l ActiveX controls: These controls are a subset of those that are available for use on
Figure 42.2 shows the controls that appear when you choose Developer ➪ Controls ➪ Insert.
When you move your mouse pointer over a control, Excel displays a ToolTip that identifies the
To add to the confusion, many controls are available from both sources. For example, a control
named ListBox is listed in both Forms controls and ActiveX controls. However, they are two
entirely different controls. In general, Forms controls are easier to use, but ActiveX controls pro-
vide more flexibility.
This chapter focuses exclusively on ActiveX controls. n
A description of ActiveX controls appears in Table 42.1.

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