Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA
This worksheet has three ScrollBar controls.
The following is a description of the most useful properties of a ScrollBar control:
l Value: The current value of the control
l (^) Min: The minimum value for the control
l Max: The maximum value for the control
l (^) LinkedCell: The worksheet cell that displays the value of the control
l SmallChange: The amount that the control’s value is changed by a click
l (^) LargeChange: The amount that the control’s value is changed by clicking either side of
the button
The ScrollBar control is most useful for selecting a value that extends across a wide range of
possible values.
A SpinButton control lets the user select a value by clicking the control, which has two arrows
(one to increase the value and the other to decrease the value). A SpinButton can display either
horizontally or vertically.
The following is a description of the most useful properties of a SpinButton control:
l (^) Value: The current value of the control.
l Min: The minimum value of the control.