Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA
Sub ProcessCells()
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Selection
If Cell.Value < 0 Then Cell.Value = Cell.Value * -1
Next Cell
End Sub
The preceding example works, but what if the selection consists of an entire column or an entire
range? This is not uncommon because Excel lets you perform operations on entire columns or
rows. In this case, though, the macro seems to take forever because it loops through each cell —
even those that are blank. What’s needed is a way to process only the nonblank cells.
You can accomplish this task by using the SelectSpecial method. In the following example,
the SelectSpecial method is used to create a new object: the subset of the selection that con-
sists of cells with constants (as opposed to formulas). This subset is processed, with the net effect
of skipping all blank cells and all formula cells.
Sub ProcessCells2()
Dim ConstantCells As Range
Dim Cell As Range
‘ Ignore errors
On Error Resume Next
‘ Process the constants
Set ConstantCells = Selection.SpecialCells _
(xlConstants, xlNumbers)
For Each Cell In ConstantCells
If Cell.Value < 0 Then Cell.Value = Cell.Value * -1
Next Cell
End Sub
The ProcessCells2 procedure works fast, regardless of what is selected. For example, you can
select the range, select all columns in the range, select all rows in the range, or even select the
entire worksheet. In all these cases, only the cells that contain constants are processed inside the
loop. This procedure is a vast improvement over the ProcessCells procedure presented earlier
in this section.
Notice that the following statement is used in the procedure:
On Error Resume Next
This statement causes Excel to ignore any errors that occur and simply to process the next state-
ment. This statement is necessary because the SpecialCells method produces an error if no
cells qualify and because the numerical comparison will fail if a cell contains an error value.
Normal error checking is resumed when the procedure ends. To tell Excel explicitly to return to
normal error-checking mode, use the following statement:
On Error GoTo 0