Chapter 44: VBA Examples
On the CD
This macro is available on the companion CD-ROM. The file is named skip blanks while
Prompting for a cell value
As discussed in Chapter 41, you can take advantage of the VBA InputBox function to ask the
user to enter a value. Figure 44.2 shows an example.
Using the VBA InputBox function to get a value from the user.
You can assign this value to a variable and use it in your procedure. Often, however, you want to
place the value into a cell. The following procedure demonstrates how to ask the user for a value
and place it into cell A1 of the active worksheet, using only one statement:
Sub GetValue()
Range(“A1”).Value = InputBox(“Enter the value for cell A1”)
End Sub
Determining the type of selection
If your macro is designed to work with a range selection, you need to determine that a range is
actually selected. Otherwise, the macro most likely fails. The following procedure identifies the
type of object selected:
Sub SelectionType()
MsgBox TypeName(Selection)
End Sub