Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA
On the CD
A workbook that contains this macro is available on the companion CD-ROM. The file is named
selection type.xlsm.
If a cell or a range is selected, the MsgBox displays Range. If your macro is designed to work only
with ranges, you can use an If statement to ensure that a range is actually selected. The following
is an example that displays a message and exits the procedure if the current selection is not a
Range object:
Sub CheckSelection()
If TypeName(Selection) <> “Range” Then
MsgBox “Select a range.”
Exit Sub
End If
‘ ... [Other statements go here]
End Sub
Another way to approach this task is to define a custom function that returns TRUE if the selection
(represented by the sel argument) is a Range object, and FALSE otherwise. The following func-
tion does just that:
Function IsRange(sel) As Boolean
IsRange = False
If TypeName(sel) = “Range” Then IsRange = True
End Function
Here’s a more compact version of the IsRange function:
Function IsRange(sel) As Boolean
IsRange = (TypeName(sel) = “Range”)
End Function
If you enter the IsRange function in your module, you can rewrite the CheckSelection pro-
cedure as follows:
Sub CheckSelection()
If IsRange(Selection) Then
‘ ... [Other statements go here]
MsgBox “Select a range.”
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub