Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA
Preventing alert messages
One benefit of using a macro is that you can perform a series of actions automatically. You can
start a macro and then get a cup of coffee while Excel does its thing. Some operations cause Excel
to display messages that must be attended to, however. For example, if your macro deletes a sheet,
you see the message that is shown in the dialog box in Figure 44.3. These types of messages mean
that you can’t execute your macro unattended.
You can instruct Excel not to display these types of alerts while a macro is running.
To avoid these alert messages (and automatically choose the default response) , insert the following
VBA statement:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
To turn alerts back on, use this statement:
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Simplifying object references
As you may have discovered, references to objects can get very lengthy — especially if your code
refers to an object that’s not on the active sheet or in the active workbook. For example, a fully
qualified reference to a Range object may look like this:
If your macro uses this range frequently, you may want to use the Set command to create an
object variable. For example, to assign this Range object to an object variable named Rate, use
the following statement:
Set Rate= Workbooks(“MyBook.xlsx”).Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“IntRate”)
After this variable is defined, you can use the variable Rate instead of the lengthy reference. For
Rate.Value = .0725