Chapter 45: Creating Custom Excel Add-Ins
Installing the add-in
Now it’s time to try the add-in. Choose File ➪ Excel Options ➪ Add-Ins. Select Excel Add-ins
from the Manage drop-down list, and click Go.
Excel displays its Add-Ins dialog box. Click the Browse button and locate the change case.
xlam add-in that you just created. After you do so, the Add-Ins dialog box displays the add-in in
its list. Notice that the information that you provided in the Properties panel appears here. Click
OK to close the dialog box and open the add-in.
Before Excel 2007, it was much simpler to provide a way to execute a macro in an add-in. It was done
by using a CommandBar object, which display menus and toolbars. Excel 2010 still supports
CommandBars for compatibility. All changes made to a CommandBar object are displayed in the Menu
Commands or Custom Toolbars groups of the Add-Ins tab.
If you would like to modify change case.xlsm to use CommandBars, add these two procedures to
the ThisWorkbook code module:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set NewMenuItem = Application.CommandBars(“Worksheet Menu Bar”) _
With NewMenuItem
.Caption = “Change Case of Text...”
.BeginGroup = True
.OnAction = “ChangeCaseofText”
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars(“Worksheet Menu Bar”).Controls(“Tools”). _
Controls(“Change Case of Text...”).Delete
End Sub
When the add-in is opened, this code adds a new control to the Menu Commands group of the Add-Ins
tab. When it’s closed, the new control is removed. Simple and easy.
Modify the User Interface the Old Way