Part I: Getting Started with Excel
To change the color of a sheet tab, right-click the tab and choose Tab Color from the shortcut
menu. Then select the color from the color selector box.
Rearranging your worksheets
You may want to rearrange the order of worksheets in a workbook. If you have a separate work-
sheet for each sales region, for example, arranging the worksheets in alphabetical order may be
helpful. You may want to move a worksheet from one workbook to another. (To move a worksheet
to a different workbook, both workbooks must be open.) You can also create copies of worksheets.
You can move or copy a worksheet in the following ways:
l Right-click the sheet tab and choose Move or Copy to display the Move or Copy dialog
box (see Figure 3.4). Use this dialog box to specify the operation and the location for
the sheet.
Use the Move or Copy dialog box to move or copy worksheets in the same or
another workbook.
l (^) To move a worksheet, click the worksheet tab and drag it to its desired location (either in
the same workbook or in a different workbook). When you drag, the mouse pointer
changes to a small sheet, and a small arrow guides you.
l To copy a worksheet, click the worksheet tab, and press Ctrl while dragging the tab to its
desired location (either in the same workbook or in a different workbook). When you
drag, the mouse pointer changes to a small sheet with a plus sign on it.
You can move or copy multiple sheets simultaneously. First select the sheets by clicking their sheet tabs while
holding down the Ctrl key. Then you can move or copy the set of sheets by using the preceding methods. n