Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Appendix B: What’s on the CD-ROM


l (^) mortgage loan data table.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrate how to create a data 1-way
data table for what-if analysis.
l (^) production model.xlsx: A workbook to demonstrate the Scenario Manager.
Chapter 37
l allocating resources.xlsx: A workbook that contains a model to demonstrate how to
allocate resources and maximize profit using Solver.
l investment portfolio.xlsx: A workbook that contains a model to demonstrate how to
maximize the return on an investment portfolio using Solver.
l linear equations.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to use Solver to solve a set of
linear equations.
l mortgage loan.xlsx: A workbook with input cells and formula cells to demonstrate goal
l shipping costs.xlsx: A workbook that contains a model to demonstrate how to minimize
shipping costs using Solver.
l three products.xlsx: A workbook that contains a simple profit model to demonstrate
Chapter 38
l atp examples.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the tools in the Analysis ToolPak add-in.
Chapter 39
l (^) cube root.xlsm: A workbook that contains a VBA function to calculate the cube root.
l current date.xlsm: A workbook that contains a simple VBA macro to insert the current date
into the active cell.
l list formulas.xlsm: A workbook that contains a VBA macro to generate a list of all formulas
in a worksheet.
Chapter 40
l vba functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains examples of VBA functions used in work-
sheet formulas.
Chapter 41
l change case.xlsm: A VBA macro that uses a UserForm to enable the user to make a choice.
l (^) show message.xlsm: A workbook that contains a UserForm that displays a message.
Chapter 42
l mortgage loan.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to use ActiveX controls on a work-
sheet, with no macros.
l worksheet controls.xlsm: A workbook that contains examples of all ActiveX controls that
can be used on a worksheet.
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