Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part VII: Appendixes


Microsoft Technical Support

Technical support is the common term for assistance provided by a software vendor. In this case, I’m talking
about assistance that comes directly from Microsoft. Its technical support is available in several different

Support options
The Microsoft support options are constantly changing. To find out what options are available (both free
and fee-based), go to

Microsoft Knowledge Base
Perhaps your best bet for solving a problem may be the Microsoft Knowledge Base, which is the primary
Microsoft product information source. This extensive, searchable database comprises tens of thousands of
detailed articles containing technical information, bug lists, fix lists, and more.
You have free and unlimited access to the Knowledge Base via the Internet. To access the Knowledge Base,
use the following URL and then click Search the Knowledge Base:

Microsoft Excel Home Page
The official home page of Excel is at

This site contains a variety of material, such as tips, templates, answers to questions, training materials, and
links to companion products.

Microsoft Office Home Page
For information about Office 2010 (including Excel), try this site:

You’ll find product updates, add-ins, examples, and lots of other useful information.

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