Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Appendix C: Additional Excel Resources


As you know, the Internet is a dynamic entity that changes rapidly. Web sites are often reorganized, so a particu-
lar URL listed in this appendix may not be available when you try to access it. n

Internet Newsgroups

Usenet is an Internet service that provides access to several thousand special interest groups that enable you
to communicate with people who share common interests. A newsgroup works like a public bulletin board.
You can post a message or questions, and (usually) others reply to your message.
Thousands of newsgroups cover virtually every topic you can think of (and many that you haven’t thought
of). Typically, questions posed on a newsgroup are answered within 24 hours — assuming, of course, that
you ask the questions in a manner that makes others want to reply.

Accessing newsgroups by using a newsreader
You can use newsreader software to access the Usenet newsgroups. Many such programs are available, but
you probably already have one installed: Microsoft Outlook Express, which is installed with Internet
Microsoft maintains an extensive list of newsgroups, including quite a few devoted to Excel. If your Internet
service provider (ISP) doesn’t carry the Microsoft newsgroups, you can access them directly from the
Microsoft’s news server. (In fact, that’s the preferred method.) You need to configure your newsreader soft-
ware (not your Web browser) to access Microsoft’s news server at this address:

Accessing newsgroups by using a Web browser
As an alternative to using newsreader software, you can read and post to the Microsoft newsgroups directly
from your Web browser. This option is often significantly slower than using standard newsgroup software
and is best suited for situations in which newsgroup access is prohibited by network policies.
l Access thousands of newsgroups at Google Groups. The URL is

l (^) Access the Microsoft newsgroups (including Excel newsgroups) from this URL:
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