Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Appendix C: Additional Excel Resources


Internet Web sites

The World Wide Web has dozens of excellent sites devoted to Excel. I list a few of my favorites here.

The Spreadsheet Page
This is my own Web site, which contains files to download, developer tips, spreadsheet jokes, an extensive
list of links to other Excel sites, and information about my books. The URL is


If you’re new to online newsgroups, here are some pointers:
l Conduct a search to make sure that your question has not already been answered.
l Make the subject line descriptive. Postings with a subject line such as “Help me!” and “Another
Question” are less likely to be answered than postings with a more specific subject, such as
“Sizing a Chart’s Plot Area.”
l Specify the Excel version that you use. In many cases, the answer to your question depends on
your version of Excel.

l (^) For best results, ask only one question per message.
l (^) Make your question as specific as possible.
l (^) Keep your question brief and to the point but provide enough information so that someone can
answer it adequately.
l Indicate what you’ve done to try to answer your own question.
l Post in the appropriate newsgroup, and don’t cross-post to other groups unless the question
applies to multiple groups.
l (^) Don’t type in all uppercase or all lowercase; check your grammar and spelling.
l (^) Don’t include a file attachment.
l (^) Avoid posting in HTML format. Plain text is the preferred format.
l (^) If you request an e-mail reply in addition to a newsgroup reply, don’t use an “anti-spam” e-mail
address that requires the responder to modify your address. Why cause extra work for someone
doing you a favor?
Tips for Posting to a Newsgroup
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