Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part VII: Appendixes


Daily Dose of Excel
This is a frequently updated weblog created by Dick Kusleika, with about a dozen contributors. It covers a
variety of topics, and readers can leave comments. The URL is

Jon Peltier’s Excel Page
Those who frequent the microsoft.public.excel.charting newsgroup are familiar with Jon
Peltier. Jon has an uncanny ability to solve practically any chart-related problem. His Web site contains
many Excel tips and an extensive collection of charting examples. The URL is

Pearson Software Consulting
This site, maintained by Chip Pearson, contains dozens of useful examples of VBA and clever formula tech-
niques. The URL is


This site, maintained by Deborah Dalgleish, covers Excel and Access. The URL is


David McRitchie’s Excel Pages
David’s site is jam-packed with useful Excel information and is updated frequently. The URL is


Pointy Haired Dilbert
An interesting Excel blog by Chandoo. The URL is


Mr. Excel
Mr. Excel, also known as Bill Jelen, maintains an extensive site devoted to Excel. The site also features a
message board. The URL is

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