Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Appendix D: Excel Shortcut Keys


Key(s) What It Does
Ctrl+Shift+spacebar Selects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl+Shift+spacebar If the active cell is within a table. Selects the table without the header row and totals row.
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+spacebar again selects the complete table. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+spacebar
again selects the entire worksheet.
Shift+Home Expands the selection to the beginning of the current row.
Ctrl+* If the active cell is within a multicell range, selects the block of data surrounding the
active cell.
F8 Extends the selection as you use navigation keys. Press F8 again to return to normal
selection mode.
Shift+F8 Adds other nonadjacent cells or ranges to the selection; pressing Shift+F8 again ends
Add mode.
F5 Prompts for a range or range name to select.
Ctrl+G Prompts for a range or range name to select.
Ctrl+A Selects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl+A If the active cell is within a table. Selects the table without the header row and totals row.
Pressing Ctrl+Shift+spacebar again selects the complete table. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+spacebar
again selects the entire worksheet.
Shift+Backspace Cancels a range selection and selects only the active cell.


Moving within a Range Selection

Key(s) What It Does
Enter Moves the cell pointer. The direction depends on the setting in the Edit tab of the Options
dialog box.
Shift+Enter Moves the cell pointer up to the preceding cell in the selection.
Tab Moves the cell pointer right to the next cell in the selection.
Shift+Tab Moves the cell pointer left to the preceding cell in the selection.
Ctrl+period (.) Moves the cell pointer to the next corner of the current cell range.
Shift+Backspace Collapses the cell selection to just the active cell.


Editing Keys in the Formula Bar

Key(s) What It Does
F2 Begins editing the active cell
Navigation keys Moves the cursor one character in the direction of the arrow

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