Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Access database program
versus Excel, 678
importing tables, 679–680
Accounting format, Format Cells dialog box, 46–47, 554
Accounting Number Format button, Ribbon, 553
Accounting Number Format drop-down list, 44
ACCRINT function, 923
ACCRINTM function, 923
ACOS function, 926
ACOSH function, 926
actions, VBA, 813
Activate event, 876, 879
activating embedded chart, 405, 413
active area, worksheet, 172
active cell, 8–9
Active cell indicator, 6–7
active objects, VBA, 814
Active Sheets printing option, 178
active window, 51
active workbook, 50
ActiveX controls
CheckBox, 866–867
ComboBox, 867–868
CommandButton, 868
Image, 868
Label, 868
ListBox, 868–869
OptionButton, 869
overview, 861
ScrollBar, 869–870
SpinButton, 870–871
TextBox, 871–872
ToggleButton, 872
Add a Digital Signature command, Info pane, 155
Add button
Consolidate dialog box, 601
Customize Quick Access Toolbar, 41
Add Constraint dialog box, 767
Add operation, Paste Special dialog box, 599
Add Scenario dialog box, 755
Add to Dictionary button, Spelling dialog box, 672
Add View dialog box, 191

#DIV/0! error, 219, 653–654
#N/A error, 219, 360, 654–655
#NAME? error, 655
#NULL! error, 219, 655
#NUM! error, 219, 396–397, 655
#REF! error, 219, 656
#VALUE! error, 219, 656
& (ampersand), 234
* (asterisk) wildcard character, 77–78, 242, 568
@ (at) symbol, 217
= (equal sign), 203
# (hash mark) character, 67, 218
? (question mark) wildcard character, 77, 242
~ (tilde) character, 78, 242
3 × 4 array constant, 361–362
3-D area chart, 428
3-D charts, 464–465
3-D clustered column chart, 421
3-D data point, 432
3-D line chart, 423
15-digit accuracy, 31
64-bit version, 4, 677
1900 date system, 250
1904 date system, 250

Above average conditional formatting rule, 481
ABS function, 274, 926
absolute references
Data Validation dialog box, 575
formulas and functions, 210–212
problems with, 657
accelerator key, 19, 856
Accelerator property
CheckBox control, 866
OptionButton control, 869
Accept or Reject Changes dialog box, 635

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