Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

past girlfriends were the better you seem, you‘ll be more attractive the more
positively you talk about them.

Sometimes even talking about bad break-ups can be a sign of flaws on
your part. Relationships are all about the saying, ―It Takes Two to Tango‖, and
women know you probably caused your share of the problem. Even if you
successfully blamed it all on your ex, you have put yourself down too.

FOCUS on the positive parts of your past girlfriends, not the negative ones.
Some guys think that they need to give a good enough reason for not still
being with their exes so they put the exes down to explain what went wrong.
It‘s much better to have high standards of comparison between your exes and
a current woman because then she feels that your interest shows she meets
those high standards.

That they value social proof means women‘s attraction can be increased by
increasing the attention, attraction, and social proof they know you get from
other women. To fully maximize attraction, or making someone want
something, you also need to learn restraint.

How Do You Make Someone Want Something?

Let me ask you a question.

How do you make someone want something?

Interesting question, isn‘t it?

Do you offer it to them?

Do you tell them how great it is?

Do you try to convince them first?

How do you do it?

You might think that diamonds and gold are precious and expensive
because they‘re ̳beautiful‘, but in fact their value comes from their scarcity...
What originally made them interesting, what originally made them beautiful,
and what originally made people WANT them was that there was nothing else
like them.

Coal and diamonds are both made of carbon, but the former is cheap and
latter is expensive because one is harder to find than the other.

Of course, most guys immediately telegraph to a woman that they would
crawl naked over a mile of thumbtacks just to lick her boots... which tells the
woman that they‘re not rare at all.

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