Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

with you and do what you want them to do? Because I'm just not into that
much drama in my life...."

The idea is to clearly communicate that you are not going to take part in
her drama. The idea of saying, "You know, you're kind of cute when you're
mad," or laughing in a charmed way, works like MAGIC to diffuse drama while
keeping control of the situation.

In a "traditional" boy-meets-girl situation, the girl makes a decision early
on whether you're the type of guy that she should get physically involved with
quickly (spelled A-T-T-R-A-C-T-I-V-E) or if you're the "nicer" type that wants
to "prove" yourself by paying for expensive dinners, flowers, and gifts. (spelled

I realize that I'm generalizing here and that I'm being a bit extreme, but
I'm trying to make a point so go with me.

There's a distinction between being treating a woman like she's ―a princess
who's a guest in your reality" and acting like she's "the queen in the center of
this reality." The first way increases attraction and keeps you in control, while
the other way of kissing up to her and seeking her approval does not.

I have more than one friend that likes to take women out to dinners... and
they are very successful with women. But you must understand that they are
SO AWESOME when it comes to being attractive to women that IT DOESN'T

Most guys buy dinner because they DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO, and
they think they need to bribe a woman for her attention. I'm saying you
should never ACT LIKE A WUSS so she doesn't think of you as one.

Rule of thumb: If you find yourself surrounded by women who won't leave
you alone, and you just don't have time to see all of them, then you'll know
that it's OK to take a woman out to dinner when you first meet her. On the
other hand, if you don't know what you're doing with women, then chill on the
dinner and gift program. It isn't helping.

James Bond Doesn‘t Rush Things

Most men act too anxious and want to go from coffee to bed.

Women are not as direct, and they gradually respond while attraction
keeps building. They‘re uncertain about what they want—they feel both a
sexual urge and a social restraint. Teasing women a little heightens their

Find ways to move forwards and then step back again a little.

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