Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

someone to understand, considering that common sense tells you that this
behavior is rude and not socially acceptable. Are you with me on this?

Beyond that, to get someone to overcome genetically wired and socially
programmed beliefs, drives, and ideas long enough to actually try new things...
and to stick with them until they get good at them... is a real undertaking.

I believe in what I‘m teaching, because it took me years of trial and error
to figure this stuff out and because I‘ve seen it work for so many guys. It‘s
been proven that the ones who apply themselves get results. My challenge in
this book and with my other products is to help other guys achieve more
success in this aspect of their life.

There is a lot of power in deciding that you will do ―WHATEVER IT TAKES‖
to achieve your goals, and I really hope that you make the commitment to
yourself to get this area of your life handled for good.

Take a minute right now and commit to yourself. Commit to doing
whatever it takes to get this part of your life sorted. The more committed you
are to YOURSELF, the faster you‘ll improve, and the more likely you are to
experience the success that you really want.

Now, let‘s get to it!

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