Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1
 Talk Like You Just Met Talk Like You‘re Old Friends

 Give Common Responses Tease and Use Cocky Comedy

 Discuss Boring Typical Topics Use Sexual/Suggestive Subtexts

 Speak In a Stilted, Nervous Voice Have A Secure and Relaxed Tone

Never Give Women Exactly What They Want

Now I'm going to teach you one of my favorite ways to generate attraction
with women. First of all, let me teach you a principle from psychology: people
want what they don't or can't have. One of my favorite ways to make a
woman feel attracted to me is to play hard to get! I just use the old female
technique on them!

I know this may sound far out, but stay with me here. As you've probably
noticed, I really like the idea of doing things to make a woman feel naturally
attracted to you on a gut level. Before I say more, let me remind you:

Attraction isn't a choice.

The things that make people feel attracted to each other don't usually
'make sense'.

If you know how, you can make a woman feel more attracted to you at
every contact.

I want to talk about one of my favorite ways to make women feel this "gut
level" attraction.

And since this idea also doesn't "make sense" to most people, I'm going to
ask you to put your judgments aside and just try it.

Try what I'm about to teach you in a few different situations and see how
it works before you make up your mind about it... you just might find that this
way is the key that opens all doors for you. One of my rules of thumb for
I've mentioned in the past that I love to study people and their behavior, and
I've found something that really kind of startled me...

When people get what they want, they often stop wanting it. Now, do I
mean that if you get a new car, that as soon as you get it, you don't want it
anymore? No, not quite. What I mean is, when you get a new car, you'll
probably start wanting a NICER one. I personally think that nature has given
to us this mechanism for us humans to be motivated in order to do and
achieve more in life.

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