Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

―I‘m the guy who scrapes the gum from under the seats in the movie
theater... why do you ask?‖

―What kind of car do you drive?‖

―I drive a razor scooter. It only fits one, so you can‘t have a ride.‖

Reframe Ass Kissers

Whenever you notice a guy interacting with a girl like he‘s a true wuss-
boy, shake your head in pity for him. Then, she‘ll ask ―What?‖ and you can say
something like ―Isn‘t that sad?‖ or ―That‘s just pathetic.‖

When she asks you what you mean, you can tell her, ―When a guy does
something like that you can tell that he‘s probably a really nice guy with good
intentions, and he‘d like nothing more than to be with you... but then he goes
and kisses your ass like that.... What a shame. He doesn‘t get it. He has no
idea what‘s attractive to a woman.‖

Talk About Sex

As I‘ve mentioned, discussing sex is not only OK, but in fact it‘s good. You
need to have a very comfortable, casual attitude on this subject. You must be
able to remain aloof and detached from any awkwardness about sex, or else
you‘ll look like the wimpy wuss who‘s afraid of it.

One great way to reveal that you‘re at ease with sex is to turn the
conversation to that topic but blame her for being the one who did it.

Whenever she says anything that could be misinterpreted sexually,
accuse her of having a dirty mind. There are lots of common words that work,
such as ―feeling excited‖, ―wet‖, ―suck‖, etc.

This is especially powerful if you interpret her as though she‘s trying to
pick you up, even if she‘s only being sly about it. And it‘s also very powerful to
respond to her as if she were aiming sexual suggestiveness directly at you.
Any mention she makes of ―time to go home,‖ ―time to go to bed,‖ etc., is an
opportunity to express amused surprise at her being so forward with you.

You can also interpret any sexual comments she makes, especially sexual
judgments or moralizing, as really just sexual frustration on her part. Or let‘s
say that she says something negative about guys thinking about sex too much
or about guys only being interested in sex. You can respond in an amused
tone, ―Those sound like words of frustration, haven‘t had any luck in a while,
huh?‖ while shooting her a knowing look.

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