Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Through this understanding you‘ll develop a level of comfort discussing
sex and gather clues about her real views on sex, as well as build the level of
sexual tension between you two.

Yup, just by starting with some innocent humor you can lead her to reveal
info about her sexual nature... and if she gets too serious, just bust her balls
by saying, ―I was just kidding—now why were you taking me so seriously, I
wonder?‖ and follow up with a wink.

Similarly, if she displays a prudish attitude, blow it off immediately the
very first time she shows such a lame belief with a dismissive reply like, ―Oh,
please...‖ or ―Come on! Be honest now...‖

Read Clues

Talking openly about sex can gain you insights that you couldn‘t get by
asking direct questions. Look for clues in how enthusiastically or shyly she
responds, in whether she changes topics uncomfortably or pursues it
energetically in her body language as she talks, etc.

Directly asking a woman if she wants to sleep with you both makes you
look insecure and openly acknowledges your desire for her. By joking around,
on the other hand, you can ̳ping‘ her for information with humorous test

Because she‘s responding to a joke, a woman can answer without directly
admitting her feelings. You‘ll quickly notice clues about them through the
subtexts she uses. Asking directly not only lays out all your cards on the table
but also creates a high pressure situation for her to which she has to respond.
Now she‘s forced to jump to a decision, and if she has any uncertainty about
the situation, it‘s probably going to be a negative decision.

Instead of verifying the facts of how she feels about you, just look for
clues in the subtle messages behind her words and actions that paint a picture
of her inner feelings. Things like calling you often, offering to do favors for
you, buying you gifts, etc., are more honest indicators than any verbal
promises she might offer.

The flip-side, of course, is to not give off clues like this yourself. The
wuss blows it by trying to buy a woman‘s affection with gifts and attention,
revealing how interested he is in her and how easily she could have him. The
less clues you display, the less sure a woman is of having earned your
attention. The more she‘ll want it, the more she‘ll be attracted to you.

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