Chapter 10: Frequently Asked Questions
I Just Got My First Email Address... What Do I Do Now?‖
Here's my advice...
First of all, do yourself a HUGE favor and go out this weekend and get
about 5 or 10 more email addresses (and make sure to say "And write down
your number too..." when you get them).
Here's why:
I've had guys go out and get phone numbers and email addresses, then
have the women not respond... and then the guy feels bad, discouraged, etc.
It's important for you to remember that in the beginning, IT'S A NUMBERS
GAME. You need to spend time practicing and working on your skills.
You need to master getting email addresses... then getting them to agree
to meet you... then knowing what to do at the first meeting... then what to do
when they're at your house... or what to do to make them want to be in a
relationship with you... etc.
Do you understand?
Most guys want to have that first experience be perfect and go all the way
without a hitch. The real world is that it probably won't go perfectly (Expect
everything to go well!)... but if you go get more emails and phone numbers
this weekend, and this one doesn't respond to you, then it won't matter!
How Long Should I Wait?
You know, I've heard all the same "wait a few days to call her..." raps from
various places. My personal experience is that if I email her sooner, I'll be
fresher in her mind and more likely to get together with her again. I know it
goes against the general guy rule, but this is what has worked best for me
(and believe me, I've tried everything).
OK, so now that I've said that, here's what to do:
Send her an email that says: