Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

"It was fun talking to you last night. You sound like you might be more
than just a pretty face (which is refreshing). Let‘s get together this week for a
cup of something delicious and some stimulating conversation. I'm thinking
Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday early evening. Let me know..."

Again, the key here is to sound kind of like "Yea, it was nice meeting you...
and you SOUND like you MIGHT be more than just a cute girl (but you have to
prove it). And I'm not too interested, but I'm interested enough to give you a

Remember, hot women are always approached by men who want to kiss
their ass and buy them things. You have to be different. You have to say,
"Prove that you're more than just another woman who uses looks to get what
she wants... because that's boring to me."

Understand the perspective?

If she doesn't email you within 2 days, send her email #2 that says:

"What, are you trying to play hard to get already? Talk to me."

This is a tease, and it's fun.

Then, ask her for her phone number and a good time to call... and call her.

On the phone say "Yea, why don't we get together for a cup of tea. Tea is
safe... if you're scary, I can always make an excuse like 'I need to run home
and floss my cat...' And if nothing else, we can be friends..."

Remember from the book? From the beginning talk about making friends,
how you like her as a friend, etc.

Now, I would suggest meeting somewhere near your house (the closer the

If you have an interesting house, apartment, whatever and your coffee
meeting is going well, say "Hey, I'm glad we met. You're a nice friend... you're
fun to talk to... you want to come over and let me show you my tropical fish
collection?" or whatever interesting thing you have.

What Should I Do If She Doesn‘t Call Back?

If you're interested in a woman, there may come a time when she gets
busy, doesn't call you back, blows you off, flakes out, or whatever.

This is the real world, and these things happen. A lot of guys make the
mistake of TAKING THIS PERSONALLY, letting it upset them, and then not
doing ANYTHING to get back on track.

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