Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

And what are you talking about when you say that "Many think serial
dating will bring them closer to "The One" when it‘s the exact opposite that is

Do you mean that not dating at all will help you find "The One" faster?

The only "One" that I can imagine you referring to is MY CHICKEN.

Only Have Chicks Be Interested In Me For Short Term Sex? "How Do I Come Off As The Most Romantic Guy In The World, But

But Only Have Chicks Be Interested In Me For Short Term Sex?

Ahhh, the age-old question...

I have a friend who has a solution that goes something like this...

At the beginning he says, "I'm a VERY busy person. I have so many things
going on in my life that I don't think I have the time for a long-term
relationship. I'm not saying that I wouldn't have one, I just don't think that
now is the right time. So here's the deal: You can have a little of my time, or
you can have none."

I also think that it's important to not see a woman more than about once a
week, twice at the most (and only do twice every third or fourth week).

Women take hints very well. If you act romantic in a way that
communicates that she's the only woman in your life (flowers, gifts, poetry,
etc.) then you're pushing her love and relationship buttons.

If you act romantic in other ways (gentle touching, chivalry, eye contact)
you can keep to the "I'm a seducer" identity.

I'd say the key has to be how often you see her, though. That's the big
one. If you see a woman too often, she‘ll start making relationship noises.

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