Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

If you ask most women what they "want" in a man, they'll say, "Oh, I want
a nice, honest, thoughtful guy who can communicate well..." And the truth is,
this IS what most women "want". But remember, there's a BIG difference
between what women "want" and what makes a woman feel ATTRACTION.

ATTRACTION is a mysterious thing. The French thinker Pascal once said,
"The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing." What he was
getting at here is that our emotional systems have developed over millions of
years through a complex process of evolution and selection. And the emotions
we feel are triggered by things that are usually not at all "logical."

I was walking with friends through an outdoor shopping mall, and one of
them was looking in the window of a women's clothing store. All of a sudden
he said, "I can't stop looking at those nipples." When I looked, I realized that
he was talking about the mannequin in the window. When you looked at it,
you could clearly see a pair of pert upturned nipples poking through the shirt.
As I looked at it, I realized that I couldn't stop looking either!

I'm sure you've had a similar experience with a magazine cover, a woman
walking by, or a TV show. When a woman or part of a woman that particularly
appeals to you passes in front of your eyes, you become INSTANTLY
TRANSFIXED on it. You are literally unable to look away for a few moments.
Sometimes you'll become riveted to the image until it is out of sight. I believe
that this particular reaction is an evolutionary development that helps us men
find and mate with women who have great genes and a youthful (fertile)

Well, WOMEN have this mechanism as well. But a woman's "attraction
mechanism" responds even MORE powerfully to certain personality traits and
communications than it does to an attractive male body or face. In other
words, if you communicate the right things in the right way, a woman will
become INSTANTLY TRANSFIXED on you and be LITERALLY unable to take
attention off of you... the purpose of this book is to explain how and why this
mechanism exists, and, more importantly, how to use it to attract the kinds of
women you've always wanted...

Now, let me ask you:

What makes YOU feel that INSTANT ATTRACTION for a woman?

For most men it's a certain look, a body part... maybe a voice tone or a

Most of the single guys I know don't say "Hey, let's go out Friday night and
look for some women with great morals, stable family units, and good
conversation skills."

If we humans were purely LOGICAL creatures, then we wouldn't care too
much about looks. As a matter of fact, we might even think things like, "Well,

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