Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Limiting Beliefs And Change

Fear of Failure and Not Taking Action

One of the most basic mistakes men make in the world is simply not taking
action — and I think that it‘s often because we‘re ―mentally paralyzed‖ before
we even begin. For example, there‘s a critical mental period between noticing
a hot woman and thinking of approaching her and turning that thought into
action or just letting the opportunity pass (probably to someone with more

If you don‘t make your approach during that first brief moment, you
probably never will. Jumping over this crucial hurdle is the most important and
most difficult step to take in beginning to succeed in dating. Hesitate and the
moment is undoubtedly lost. Subconscious doubts keep you uncertain long
enough for the brief rush of initial excitement to dissipate.

If your failure mechanism is wired backwards, the mere thought of failure
may prevent you from even trying. Failure is not a permanent state... so stop
acting like it!

The way to eliminate failure is to learn from it.

Fearing Failure on the Approach

Here are a couple of rules of thumb for you:

  1. If you‘re in a very HIGH-risk situation with a very LOW possibility of
    getting a good return, then use your creative mind to figure out how
    to avoid it.

  2. If you‘re in a very LOW-risk situation with a very HIGH possibility of
    getting a good return, then use your creative mind to figure out how
    to take advantage of it.

Do these seem obvious to you? Do you say ―duh‖ when you hear them?

Well then answer this for me...

Why does a guy not think twice about walking into a terrible-risk situation
like Las Vegas where he‘s basically guaranteed to lose? Yet in an almost zero-
risk situation like walking up to a woman and talking to her, he‘ll think of
everything that could go wrong and avoid it?

We have an amazing ability to come up with reasons things won‘t work,
but no matter how many justifications you make, the fact remains that in this

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