perspective of our thinking brain, our emotional and physical brains both play
direct and indirect roles in modifying our conscious‘ sense of attraction.
Attraction As A Complex ―Chemical Reaction‖......................................
Do this exercise with me:
Think about the last time you saw a woman that you were REALLY
attracted to.
Think about your responses when seeing that woman.
What about her was fascinating to you?
What was it about her that was the focal point of your attraction?
Did you experience the attraction to her as something that you ―mentally‖
had any control over?
As you felt more attracted to her, did you feel more and more in control of
the situation? Or did you feel less and less in control of the situation?
One time I was out with a friend, and I saw a REALLY hot woman. She was
not only beautiful, but she also had a killer body. And to top it all off, she was
an amazing dancer. I stood talking to a good friend and watching her dance
for a loooooong time.
Now, as I think about that situation, I can tell you that there were things
about the way she looked and things about the way she moved that somehow
got and kept my attention.
But I wasn‘t CHOOSING these particular things or traits that she had. I was
experiencing the attraction I had for her almost as if it were hard-wired into
my system.
And the more attractive I found her, the less in-control of the situation I
found myself feeling. As she became more attractive and desirable to me, I
became less logical and less in touch with my own power.
Remember, attraction isn‘t logical.
As a matter of fact, it‘s almost like attraction is ANTI-logical.
Attraction scrambles your brain—it doesn‘t organize and structure it.
The truth is that attraction is a combination of a physical and an emotional
response—which triggers a state of mind rooted in the mammalian and
reptilian brains... NOT the thinking brain!