Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

I feel ya, dog.

But back here in reality where most of us live, these secret ways of
communicating are NATURAL.

They‘ve existed for many, many thousands of years... and they‘ve proven
to be more than just ―occasional‖. These are now the STANDARD for how
people of common group status identify and communicate with each other.

The hidden languages that concern us in this book, however, are those that
directly involve women....

Even those who know these hidden ―attraction‖ languages keep them
secret for the same segregating purpose. The men who know about them
don‘t want to share their advantage, and women want to keep in control and
remain free to be the selectors in choosing the best genes. Luckily for you,
I‘m going to reveal them.

The Series of Key Languages and How to Approach Them.....................

There are a series of key hidden languages, which you‘re going to need to
discover and learn. With each, first you need to ̳get it‘, which means to
recognize, understand, and believe it. Then you need to fix the way you‘re
communicating through that language in order to send attractive signals
instead of unattractive ones.

A tip for the first step is to look for the subtle hints that you would have
ignored before you‘d heard about the language‘s existence, but which now will
reveal its existence to you. Open your mind and notice EVERYTHING. Observe
what you didn‘t see in the past. Make note of things you thought were

The second stage is forcing yourself to abandon your old habits and trying
something new – like initiating conversation differently when meeting women
by replacing the genuine ―Hi, how are you?‖ with something sarcastic, funny,
or sassy, just to see how it starts a different dynamic.

In time you‘ll learn to speak the hidden languages and express what you
really want to say. Then these hidden languages are going to help you instead
of hurting you through all the stages of approaching a woman: talking with a
woman, going on a date with her, and ―getting physical‖ with her.

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