HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

Just like with the canvas, we start out on a coordinate system with x=0 and
y=0 in the upper-left corner. To plot our line with <polyline>, we specify a set
of points. We start at 0 pixels across and 40 pixels down. Then we move to
30 pixels across and 0 pixels down to create the first part of the line. From
there we go over to 60 pixels across and 40 pixels down, and then finally over
to 285 pixels across and 40 pixels down.

We also set the style attribute, setting the stroke of the line to a thickness and
a color. When we’re done, the plotted line looks like this:

From here we can add the text.

Adding Text

We use the <text> tag to define text we want to place. We specify the font
family, font size, font style, and font weight using attributes with the same
names (but with hyphens between the words).

Within the <text> tag, we place a <tspan> element that creates the actual block
of text. We specify its position using the x and y attributes, and we place the
text we want to display within the opening and closing <tspan> tags. To get
our text rendered the way we want it, we code it like this:


The text appears properly placed within our logo:

Now we can move on to creating the smaller square and rectangle.

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Creating Vector Graphics with SVG • 127

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