HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

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When working with transparency values like this, your users’ contrast settings
can sometimes impact the resulting appearance, so experiment with the value
and check on multiple displays to ensure you get a consistent result.

While we’re working with the info section of our banner, let’s round the

➤ border-radius:12px;

With that, our banner looks pretty good in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Now
let’s implement a style sheet for Internet Explorer.

Falling Back

The techniques we’ve used in this section work fine in Internet Explorer 10
and other modern browsers, but they’re not going to work in Internet
Explorer 8 and 9. We can emulate them somewhat with Microsoft’s DirectX
filters, but the filters tend to be CPU intensive, interfere with other function-
ality, and end up making for a horrible user interface. You’re better off not
using a fallback solution for this. Remember that the things we did in this
section are presentational. When we created the initial style sheet, we made
sure to apply background colors so that text would be readable. Browsers
that cannot understand the CSS3 syntax can still display the content in a
readable manner.

Of course, if you’re the curious sort and want to explore on your own, you
can look at the file css3_banner/stylesheets/ie.css in the book’s code download to
see an attempt to make things work in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier. But
be warned—it’s far from perfect, and the syntax for the fallback solutions is
quite complex. Worst of all, the end result is disappointing.

You could, instead, use a conditional style sheet to apply a PNG background
to the container element. But ask yourself if it’s worth the duplication of effort.

Transformations, gradients, and shadows are nice, but people come to web
pages to read the content. The right font can make all the difference, and
CSS3 gives us more control over the fonts we can use. Let’s see how.

report erratum • discuss

Working with Shadows, Gradients, and Transformations • 163

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