HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

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Tip 34

Tip 34. Getting It All Sorted Out with Drag and Drop

Since the introduction of the mouse, we’ve been trained to drag elements
around on the screen. For many years, we’ve relied on JavaScript and Docu-
ment Object Model solutions to bring drag-and-drop capabilities to the
browser. The HTML5 specification gives us a native and more performant way
to make elements draggable, although the implementation is a bit complex.

AwesomeCo’s management team has an idea for a piece of software where
users can enter ideas on virtual notecards and then reorder them on the
screen. We get to build the basic user interface for this, and it’s is a great
opportunity for us to experiment with native Drag and Drop. When we’re
done, we’ll have something that looks like the following figure.

Figure 37—The card-sorting application lets us drag cards around.

Creating the Basic Interface

Let’s start off the interface for this application with a basic HTML5 skeleton
that includes a link to a style sheet called stylesheets/style.css, a button to add
a card, and a region on the screen where the cards will be inserted and sorted.

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Getting It All Sorted Out with Drag and Drop • 231

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