HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

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Where to Go Next

We’ve covered a lot in this book, but there are many other related technologies
that make web development even more exciting, including 3D-canvas support
with WebGL, new ways of defining layouts with the Flexible Box model, and
the ability to make Ajax requests without worrying about the same-origin
policy. If that’s not enough, we can process data in the background, push
messages from the server to the client, and apply filter effects to elements as
if we were using a graphics program.

Although the specifications may be a bit in flux and they may not be supported
everywhere, the tools covered in this chapter can be valuable in the right sit-
uations. Here’s what we’ll look at:

Flexible Box model
Creates better layouts with CSS. [C26, F22, S4, O10.6]

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Makes Ajax requests across domains. [C4, F3.5, S4, IE10, O12.0, iOS3.2,

Web Workers
Process intensive or long-running tasks in a background thread. [C4,
F3.5, S4, IE10, O12.1, iOS5, A2.1]

Server-Sent Events
Allows one-way messaging from the server to connected clients. [C6, F6,
S5, O11, iOS4]

CSS Filter Effects [filter: blur(10px) ]
Allows effects like blur, grayscale, sepia tones, drop shadows, and more
to be applied to elements. [C18, S6, O15, iOS 6]

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