HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

Referenced in Tip 20, Working with Audio, on page 137

<video> [<videosrc="tutorial.m4v"></video>]
Plays video natively in the browser. [C4, F3.6, S3.2, IE9, O10.5, iOS3, A2]

Referenced in Tip 21, Embedding Video, on page 141

A1.7 CSS3

:nth-of-type [p:nth-of-type(2n+1){color:red;}]
Finds all n elements of a certain type. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5, iOS]

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

:first-child [p:first-child{color:blue;}]
Finds the first child element. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5, iOS3, A2]

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

:nth-child [p:nth-child(2n+1){color:red;}]
Finds a specific child element counting forward. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5,
iOS3, A2]

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

:last-child [p:last-child{color:blue;}]
Finds the last child element. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5, iOS3, A2]

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

:nth-last-child [p:nth-last-child(2){color:red;}]
Finds a specific child element counting backward. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5,
iOS3, A2]

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

:first-of-type [p:first-of-type{color:blue;}]
Finds the first element of the given type. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5, iOS3,

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

:last-of-type [p:last-of-type{color:blue;}]
Finds the last element of the given type. [C2, F3.5, S3, IE9, O9.5, iOS3,

Referenced in Tip 10, Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses, on page 69

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CSS3 • 257

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