src: url(;font-weight:bold; }]
Allows use of specific fonts via CSS. [C4, F3.5, S3.2, IE5, O10.1]
Referenced in Tip 25, Working with Fonts, on page 164
Transitions [transition:background0.3s ease]
Gradually transition a CSS property from one value to another over time.
[C4, F3.5, S4, IE10]
Referenced in Tip 26, Making Things Move with Transitions and Animations,
on page 169
Animations [animation:shake 0.5s 1;]
Gradually transition a CSS property from one value to another over time
using defined keyframe animations. [C4, F3.5, S4, IE10]
Referenced in Tip 26, Making Things Move with Transitions and Animations,
on page 169
CSS Filter Effects [filter: blur(10px) ]
Allows effects like blur, grayscale, sepia tones, drop shadows, and more
to be added to elements. [C18, S6, O15, iOS6]
Referenced in Section 11.5, Filter Effects, on page 250
Flexible Box model
Achieves better layout with CSS. [C26, F22, S4, O10.6]
Referenced in Section 11.1, Defining Layouts with the Flexible Box Model,
on page 240
A1.8 Client-Side Storage
Stores data in key/value pairs, tied to a domain, and persists across
browser sessions. [C5, F3.5, S4, IE8, O10.5, iOS, A]
Referenced in Tip 27, Saving Preferences with Web Storage, on page 185
Stores data in key/value pairs, tied to a domain, and is erased when a
browser session ends. [C5, F3.5, S4, IE8, O10.5, iOS, A]
Referenced in Tip 27, Saving Preferences with Web Storage, on page 185
An in-browser object store that persists across sessions. [C25, F10, IE10]
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Client-Side Storage • 259
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