Web SQL Databases
Fully relational databases with support for creating tables, inserts,
updates, deletes, and selects, with transactions. Tied to a domain and
persistent across sessions. No longer an active specification. [C5, S3.2,
O10.5, iOS3.2, A2]
Referenced in Web SQL Databases---Awesome but Stalled, on page 202
A1.9 Additional APIs
Offline Web Applications
Defines files to be cached for offline use, allowing applications to run
without an Internet connection. [C4, F3.5, S4, O10.6, iOS3.2, A2]
Referenced in Tip 29, Working Offline, on page 203
Manages the browser history. [C5, F3, S4, IE8, O10.1 iOS3.2, A2]
Referenced in Tip 30, Preserving History, on page 209
Cross-Document Messaging
Sends messages between windows and <iframe>s with content loaded on
different domains.[C5, F4, S5, iOS4.1, A2]
Referenced in Tip 31, Talking across Domains, on page 213
Web Sockets
Creates a stateful connection between a browser and a server. [C5, F4,
S5, iOS4.2]
Referenced in Tip 32, Chatting with Web Sockets, on page 219
Gets latitude and longitude from the client’s browser. [C5, F3.5, S5, O10.6,
iOS3.2, A2]
Referenced in Tip 33, Finding Yourself: Geolocation, on page 227
Drag and Drop
API for drag-and-drop interaction. [C3, F3.5, S4, IE6, A2]
Referenced in Tip 34, Getting It All Sorted Out with Drag and Drop, on page
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
Makes Ajax requests across domains. [C4, S4, F3.5, IE10, O12.0, iOS3.2,
Appendix 1. Features Quick Reference • 260
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