HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

hide(), show(), and toggle()

The hide() and show() methods make it easy to hide and show user-interface
elements. We can hide one or many elements on a page, like this:


We use the hide() method throughout this book to hide page sections that need
to appear only when JavaScript is disabled, such as transcripts or other
fallback content. To show elements, we simply call the show() method instead.

We can use toggle() to easily toggle the visibility of an element.

If the jQuery function found several items that matched the selector, all of
those items would be shown, hidden, or toggled. So the previous example
doesn’t just hide the first <h1> element; it hides all of them!


html(), val(), and attr()

We use the html() method to get and set the inner content of the specified


Here, we’re setting the content between the opening and closing h1 tags to
“Hello World!”

The val() method sets and retrieves the value from a form field. It works
exactly like the html() method.

The attr() method lets us retrieve and set attributes on elements.

append(), prepend(), and wrap()

The append() method adds a new child element after the existing elements.
Given we have a simple form and an empty unordered list, like this:

<ul id="tasks">

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Methods to Modify Content • 265

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