HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

If you wanted every third row, you’d use 3n.

You can also use the offset so that you can start further down the table. This
selector would find every other row, starting with the fourth row:


So, we can align every column except the first one with this rule:


We use two selectors separated by a comma so we can apply this style to the
<th> tags as well as the <td> tags.

At this point, our table is really shaping up:

Now let’s style the last row of the table.

Bolding the Last Row with :last-child

The invoice is looking pretty good right now, but one of the managers would
like the bottom row of the table to be bolder than the other rows so it stands
out more. We can use last-child for that too, which grabs the last child in a

Applying a bottom margin to paragraphs so that they are evenly spaced on a
page is a common practice among web developers. This can sometimes lead
to an extra bottom margin at the end of a group, and that might be
undesirable. For example, if the paragraphs are sitting inside of a sidebar or
callout box, we may want to remove the bottom margin from the last paragraph
so that there’s not wasted space between the bottom of the last paragraph
and the box’s border. The last-child selector is the perfect tool for this. We can
use it to remove the margin from the last paragraph.

p{ margin-bottom:20px}
#sidebarp:last-child{margin-bottom: 0; }

Let’s use this same technique to bold the contents of the last row.

report erratum • discuss

Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses • 73

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