HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1

Here we’re specifying a specific child, the second to the last.

There’s one more thing we should do with this table, though. Earlier we right-
aligned all the columns except for the first column, and although that looks
fine for the rows of the table with the item descriptions and prices, it makes
the last three rows of the table look a little funny. Let’s right-align the bottom
three rows as well. We can do that by using nth-last-child with a negative value
for n and a positive value for a in our formula, like this:


You can think of this as a range selector; it’s using the offset of 3, and since
we’re using nth-last-child, it’s grabbing every element before the offset. If you
were using nth-child, this formula would grab every row up to the offset.

Our newly styled table (see the next figure) looks much better now, and we
didn’t have to change the underlying markup one bit.

Figure 9—Our styled table, with striping and alignment done entirely with CSS3

Many of the selectors we used to accomplish this are not yet available to
people using Internet Explorer, so we need a workaround for them.

Falling Back

Current versions of Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome all
understand these selectors, but Internet Explorer 8 and earlier will ignore
these entirely. You’ll need a good fallback solution, and you have a choice to

Do Nothing
The easiest solution is to do nothing. Since the content would be completely
readable without the additional styling we’re providing, we could just leave

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Styling Tables with Pseudoclasses • 75

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